Big impacts. Small budgets.
A collection of some of our favorite Honda projects over the years.

 We launched Honda on Pinterest
by asking people to get off Pinterest.

Honda CR-V “Pintermission”


Press coverage included Forbes, Fast Company, Wall Street Journal – and induction into the “Social Media Hall of Fame” by industry pubs – all on a $2500 budget.


 We got an unknown band
who made a music video in their Hondas
a surprise gig on Jimmy Kimmel Live

Honda Loves You Back: “Monsters Calling Home”


The exposure catapulted the band onto the Billboard charts and just above Justin Bieber on the iTunes charts.

They were signed to a record deal soon after.

 We turned an average Joe
into a hometown hero

Honda Loves You Back: “Million Mile Joe”


 The story was covered by every major news network
and became the #4 news story of the year in the state of Maine.


 We showed passionate Honda fans
that Honda loves them back

Honda Loves You Back: “We’re fans of you too”


WGU Role Model Murals


WGU Hotspot Scholarships